Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Depression Industry

Something else that grinds my gears....


The United States of America is the only place where you have a people living in excess... gorging themselves on ridiculous amounts of food, consuming ridiculous amounts of entertainment and material wealth... and complaining of depression.

It's ridiculous. People around the world are starving, and these idiots are "depressed."

But really, why are all these people depressed? It's not total bullshit - a lot of these people really are depressed, though I suspect many are just bored.

Why are these genuinely depressed people depressed?

Because consumption, whether it be of food, or material wealth, electronic gadgets, etc, is not the purpose of life.

I feel that Americans have latched on to this idea of consumption as if it is some sort of life goal. It isn't. These material goods, this food, these gadgets are there to help you along achieving your life goals. They're means to reaching a destination, not the destination itself.

But these depressed people have no destination! They have no goal in life!

To live life, you have to have an overarching goal, maybe some art or beauty that you want to add to the world. And you have at least some sort of plan or actions you're involved in that reach towards that goal.

Without that goal, there is nothing. No purpose. Just boredom which evolves into depression.

But what happens when a person who is depressed brings it up to their doctor or psychiatrist? Does the doctor ask them if they are happy with their lives?

Or does the doctor just prescribe them happy pills (which he receives large monetary gain for prescribing) and send them on their way, so they can be medicated and "happy" while continuing to live their pointless lives?

Casey Anthony Trial

God. My facebook has blown up these past few days with crap about Casey Anthony.

It's just the latest entertainment from our media industry meant to keep Americans occupied, while actual news happens around the world goes unspoken of.

Yes, what happened is awful. No child should ever be subjected to evil. But what people don't quite get is that shit like this and worse than this happens each and every fucking day.

In 2007, 16,929 people were murdered in the USA alone... at least, that is how many that were kept track of statistically. That's about 46 murders per day. Lets make it easy and say that there was a murder every half an hour.

So what makes the Casey Anthony case special? It's simple really - it's good entertainment.

Why is it good entertainment? Because it keeps people busy. It gives the American sheep something they feel strongly about that they can all agree with and communicate to each other about at the water cooler. The news reports imply that she is obviously guilty... and subsequently she is declared not guilty. Instant controversy and outrage!

None of these people discussing the trial actually give a shit about Casey Anthony or her child. The same as they don't give a shit about the other 45 murders that happened on the day that little child died.

This is what annoys the crap out of me as well - idiots around the water cooler discussing it like they give a shit. And the worst - acting outraged at the verdict even though they don't know jack shit about it either.

Do you know Casey? Do you know the family? No?

Did you actually follow the trial? Besides catching a couple news clips about it or hearing about it on twitter? Did you read the court transcripts maybe? Or perhaps you know about a compelling piece of evidence that was ignored or suppressed? No?

Then why the fuck are you having a strong opinion one way or the other? You just end up looking like an asshole.

Personally, I don't know shit about the trial. I haven't been following it - I have no reason to. I'm not a lawyer, so landmark trials have no bearing in my every day life and work, and I don't see any reason to delegate any more attention to this tragedy than the hundreds of other tragedies that happen daily around the world. Evil people exist, it's a fact of life.

I'm not going to give special attention to this specific stranger who has come across misfortune when there is plenty of misfortune to handle and improvements to be made in my immediate environment with people I DO know.